Client comments...

"...I personally enjoyed working with you and the final painting provided an accurate likeness... the assignment was conducted in the most professional manner"

Allan R. Taylor President and C. E. O. Royal Bank of Canada

"...I am well pleased with the results and my firm has received many comments of a complimentary nature to the effect that Mr. Cook has rendered a true portrayal of his subject. I am of the opinion that Mr. Cook is a first rate portrait artist"

Jonn Broderick Senior partner at Law Niagara Falls, Ontario Canada

"Without hesitation I would recommend Richard Cook to anyone who desires a truly professional and beautiful portrait"

Rt. Rev. Louis B. King Bishop Emeritus General Church of the New Jerusalem Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania

"I enjoyed the process and Richard was fun to get to know. We are so happy with the painting, he really captured Ellie, Zak and Matt. It was everything I had hoped for"

Jenny Clayton Hingham, Massachusetts

There have been many newspaper articles about Richard's portrait work and his book Angel Of Light